Logic Forte balances your daily transactions before sending them to your accounting system. That means total credits (income) equal total debits (expenses).
When balancing daily transactions shown on a Micros DSR, we have to include the Carried Over Checks, Outstanding Checks and Rounding Total amounts in the daily transaction if they are not zero. We currently combine those amounts with the Net Sales amount.
Example #1
Micros DSR shows Net Sales of $5,477.49, Carried Over Total of $16.63, Outstanding Total of -$4.06, and Rounding Total of -$0.02. Logic Forte combines these to show a Net Sales amount of $5,453.5 ($5,477.49 + $16.63 - $4.06 - $0.02).
Example #2
Micros DSR shows Net Sales of $3,033.04, Carried Over Total of $0.00, Outstanding Total of -$31.85, and Rounding Total of $0.01. Logic Forte combines these to show a Net Sales amount of $3,001.20 ($3,033.04 + $0.00 - $31.85 + $0.01).
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